Microprocessor MP PSBTE Diploma Paper May 2019

                 Microprocessor PSBTE Diploma Paper May 2019 


Q1. Do as directed.                                                                                                                      15×1=15

  1. The ALE signal is used to differentiate between multiplexed address and data

  2. INTR is lowest priority.

  3. SIM stands for Set Interrupt Mask. 

  4. Size of stack pointer in 8085 is 16 Bit.

  5. 8257 is a DMA Controller.

  6. DAA stands for Decimal Adjust Accumulator.

  7. 8085 operates on a single +5V DC Supply

  8. A nibble is Four Bits.

  9. EPROM stands for Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory.

  10. LXI H, 2500H is a 3  byte instruction.

  11.  Data bus is bidirectional bus in

  12. PSW stands for Program Status Word Registor. 

  13. What is the addressing mode used in the instruction LXI B 0345H?                                                                                                                                                                              Solution -Memory Addressing Mode.

  14. A program written in mnemonics is called Assembly Language Program. 

  15. In 8085 PSW consists of

    1. Flag ii) accumulator                  iii) Both                  iv) None of these                                                                                                                                                                                 Ans Both


    Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

  1. Explain the function of Program Counter ?

  2. What is the need of interrupt? Discuss different types of Interrupt ?

  3. Differentiate between I/O mapped I/O and memory mapped I/O.

  4. Explain the function of PUSH and POP Instruction ?

  5. Briefly discuss the working of 8255?

  6. Explain various steps involved in program 

  7. What is the need of demultiplexing of buses?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                                             3×10=30

  1. Draw the pin diagram of 8085 & explain meaning of various

  2. What are the various data transfer schemes? Explain handshaking scheme in

  3. Discuss various addressing modes of

  4. Write a short note on the a) Instruction set of 8085              b) Assembly language

  5. Discuss the evolution, importance and applications of 8085 Microprocessor.

Microprocessor MP PSBTE Diploma Paper May 2019

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Section a FILL IN THE BLANKS microprocessor 8085 may 2019 paper

The _______ signal is used to differentiate between multiplexed address and data .

The ALE signal is used to differentiate between multiplexed address and data .

______ is lowest priority Interrupt.

INTR  is lowest priority Interrupt.

SIM stands for __________

SIM stands for  Set Interrupt Mask.

Size of stack pointer in 8085 is ______

Size of stack pointer in 8085 is 16 Bit.

8257 is a __________


8257 is a DMA Controller.

DAA stands for ________

DAA stands for Decimal Adjust Accumulator.

8085 operates on a single _____ Supply

8085 operates on a single +5V DC Supply

A nibble is _______ Bits.

A nibble is Four Bits.


EPROM stands for

EPROM stands for Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory.


LXI H, 2500H is a _____  byte instruction

LXI H, 2500H is a 3  byte instruction.                                                                         

_______ bus is bidirectional bus 

Data bus is bidirectional bus 

PSW stands for __________

PSW stands for Program Status Word Registor. 

What is the addressing mode used in the instruction LXI B 0345H? 

Solution -Memory Addressing Mode.



A program written in mnemonics is called ___________

A program written in mnemonics is called Assembly Language Program.

In 8085 PSW consists of Flag ii) accumulator                  iii) Both                  iii v) None of These



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Section B : Microprocessor 8085 PAPER MAY 2019 PAPER

Explain the function of Program Counter ?

Function of Program Counter

What is the need of interrupt? Discuss different types of Interrupt ?

Need of interrupt

different types of Interrupt 


Differentiate between I/O mapped I/O and memory mapped I/O.

Between I/O mapped I/O and memory mapped I/O.

Explain the function of PUSH and POP Instruction ?

Function of PUSH and POP Instruction 


Briefly discuss the working of 8255?

Discuss the working of 8255


Explain various steps involved in program 

Various steps involved in program 


What is the need of demultiplexing of buses?

Need of demultiplexing of buses

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Section c : Microprocessor 8085 PAPER MAY 2019 PAPER

Draw the pin diagram of 8085 & explain meaning of various

Draw the pin diagram of 8085 

What are the various data transfer schemes? Explain handshaking scheme in details.

Various data transfer schemes

Explain handshaking scheme in details.


Discuss various addressing modes of Microprocessor

Various addressing modes of Microprocessor

Write a short note on the a) Instruction set of 8085          b) Assembly language
Discuss the evolution, importance and applications of 8085 Microprocessor.

Evolution, importance and applications of 8085 Microprocessor

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